$50, $25 and $10 Monthly Prizes: Community Leaderboard Contest!

Dear Linux Community members,

First off, we want to extend a huge thank you to all of you for your continued support and contributions over the past two and a half years. It’s been incredible watching this community grow and evolve, and we hope to make it even more rewarding for our amazing members!

Starting November 1st 2024, we’ll be launching a monthly rewards contest! At the end of every month, we’ll award Amazon gift cards (or PayPal transfer) to the top three members on our Community Leaderboard based on activity ranking for each month.

The rewards are as follows:

  • 1st Place: $50 Amazon Gift Card (or PayPal)
  • 2nd Place: $25 Amazon Gift Card (or PayPal)
  • 3rd Place: $10 Amazon Gift Card (or PayPal)

The leaderboard tracks all sorts of activities, like posting, liking content, adding solutions, and even visiting the forum often. Every action you take contributes to your ranking, so it’s not just about the number of posts but all-around engagement!

Currently, some of the following events will award activity points (cheers):

  • Daily visits
  • Likes given
  • Likes received
  • Posts created
  • Posts read
  • Solutions accepted
  • Time spent reading
  • Topics created
  • User invites accepted

In the event of a tie

  • If there’s a tie for 1st place, we’ll combine the first and second place prizes ($50 and $25) and split them between the tied members. In this case, no second place prize will be awarded.
  • If there’s a tie for 2nd place, we’ll combine the second and third place prizes ($25 and $10) and split them between the tied members. In this case, no third place prize will be awarded.
  • If there’s a tie for 3rd place, we’ll split the third-place prize between those members.

This contest will run monthly until further notice, so there are plenty of opportunities to win. All it takes is your continued engagement in the community, and you could be walking away with some extra cash every month!

We hope this new initiative makes your time here even more enjoyable and rewarding. Let’s keep building something great together!

Participation Rules

To maintain a high-quality and enjoyable experience for everyone, please be mindful of the content you post.

Posts must NOT include repetitive phrases or signatures, and every contribution should aim to add value to the community.

Avoid generic or spammy posts like “hi” or “welcome to the forums” without adding meaningful engagement.

Avoid Double Posting - If you’re already the most recent contributor to a thread, please avoid posting multiple replies in a row. Instead, edit your existing post to continue the conversation. This will still bump the thread and keep the discussion going without unnecessary clutter.

If any user is found to be abusing the system by posting repetitive or low-quality content solely for points, the forum admin reserves the right to disqualify them from the contest.

We want to ensure this rewards genuine participation, so keep your contributions thoughtful and helpful to other members.

Note: The Community Leaderboard has been changed to display monthly ranking instead of Weekly. This allows transparency of the automated ranking system.

Winners will be awarded and announced during the first week of every new month.

Monthly Contest Winners - Verification

Keeping the Forums Ad-Free

We’re proud to keep these forums ad-free and completely free to use, thanks to the support of our blog sponsors. This competition and the prizes are funded by our sponsors as part of our ongoing commitment to keeping the community uncluttered by ads.

By participating in the contest, you’re not only engaging with the community, but also helping us maintain this ad-free space where everyone can focus on learning and sharing valuable insights.


The forum Admin and forum-owned accounts are not eligible to participate in this monthly contest. However, moderators, who volunteer their time, are welcome to join in the competition.

List of winners

November 2024

:1st_place_medal: @toadie :2nd_place_medal: @ricky89 :3rd_place_medal: @DeLinuxCo

December 2024

:1st_place_medal: @toadie :2nd_place_medal: @shybry747 :3rd_place_medal: @ricky89


Thanks @anon19981772

No, we won’t be adding any other ways to gain points in order to keep the system fair to every member regardless of their tech background/niche.

Also, your post would disqualify you from the competition if you continue to add “Gaurav” at the end of posts repeatedly. This is because signatures, bio, links, etc. can all be added to your profile. It does not add to the content value of posts.

Please be sure to read through all the rules and check back before November 1st as it continues to be fine-tuned to ensure this adds value to our “discussion” forum. If this contest does that, then it will be continued monthly.

So if one of their Articles gets on the blogs main page does that count towards cheers? (asking for a friend of course :upside_down_face: )

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lol! :melting_face:

On a serious note, here’s more insight into how the cheers system works:


It’s been tested for almost a year now.

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So if you click on a link and it takes you off the site (like the cheers link) does that not count towards your points?


Correct. “Clicking links” does not count as cheers, regardless if it is on or offsite.

Edit: I will add a link in the mobile drop down menu to the “Community Leaderboard”. I realize using mobile today, that there is no easy way to view the ranking.



With just over a week left here are the current standings:

Payments will be made on or before December 1st. Proof of payment will be pasted below. Please be prepaid for verification, since it’s important that participants be confident that all members in the list are legitimate individuals.

At minimum, we will be using IP address, email, and tel # for verification of winners. This ensures that no users are registered twice or otherwise trying to game the system. And of course that there are no accounts used by myself that are eligible.

Good luck, and thanks for being valued members of our community.

Edit: Monthly Contest Winners - Verification

Edit (Nov 30th): Potential winners have been contacted. 3 winners will be selected tonight and awarded within 24 hours! Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated. :tada: The December contest starts tomorrow!

Edit (Dec 1st): Winners have been awarded!:

Congratulations: :1st_place_medal: @toadie :2nd_place_medal: @ricky89 :3rd_place_medal: @DeLinuxCo

Edit (Dec 15th): PayPal added as an alternative to Amazon as per this post.

Edit: December 22nd 2024

A reminder of the participation rules once more:

Those who ignore these rules, especially repeatedly, will not be eligible for the contest. After repeat warnings, offending posts will simply be removed from the forums and trust level will be lowered accordingly.

Thanks again for your participation, guys! The 3 winners receive their awards by January 1st 2025.

Good luck to everyone for January’s contest!

Coming up on the final week of this month’s contest. Good luck!

In full transparency, @migrator has opted to be excluded from this contest/awards. As such, his username will be excluded from the leaderboard, which is used to track those who participate. Thanks again to everyone who participates no matter how much. A forum is nothing without it’s members!


Thank you @hydn for being a generous, extremely devoted, fair & just, and inspiring community leader and curator. I could not dream of taking more than those from you and this community. I am always grateful to be here, and surprised, sometimes many times per day, at the quality of members.

It takes Time, Attention, Energy, and Self ( our SEAT ) to do what we do here. Since that has been absolutely worthwhile to invest, that is an Honor to see, and as long as that is true, I will participate with whatever I have to give. To even just know this community exists in this now-mindless space we make our living in, and keeping alive. Even the word ‘community’ being truly used, is rare.

Please consider me at the service of this community, with all that I am.

Again, I do not discourage the profound generosity behind the Cheers system. I am most interested in staying consistent and being able to look back a decade from now and still being here, seeing the impact we each cause each other, etc.

I want to play the long-game. I hope to know you all in a real way, for a long time, and shoulder real challenges. I want to make major impact in this field and the world that relies on us every nanosecond of every day… usually without any recognition of what we do. I use the name migrator here for this reason… I want to see the world moved in our time, since our power and skill is nothing less than that potential and responsibility.

Thank you for being transparent, and that is my caveat on ‘why’ I opted out.

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