To maintain a high-quality space for discussions, please follow our community rules listed below. As members, we also apply our Code of Conduct in accordance with the following community rules:
Community Rules
No NSFW Content
While thoughtful discussions on sensitive topics (like news or history) are welcome, any content that is Not Safe For Work is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, nudity, graphic sexual content, gore, violence, and other potentially disturbing material. -
No Illegal Content
Posting, advocating for, or linking to content considered illegal (including pirated material, unauthorized copyrighted works, or instructions for illegal activities) is strictly forbidden. -
No Impersonation or Doxing
Impersonating any user or staff member is prohibited. Additionally, doxing any user or staff member is not tolerated. Doxing is the act of publicly providing personally identifiable information about an individual or organization without their consent. -
No Discrimination of Any Kind
Discrimination based on age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is not permitted. -
No Spam, Advertising, or Self-Promotion
Spam, advertisements, affiliate links, repetitive self-promotion or product promotions will be removed unless posted with explicit staff permission. -
No Alternate Accounts
Alternate accounts cause complications and are not allowed. Name changes may be permitted at staff discretion. -
Keep Discussions Civil
We understand that discussions can become passionate. However, please focus on addressing ideas rather than attacking people. Flaming, baiting, harassment, or trolling with malice is not acceptable. Promoting violence, abuse, rape, suicide, or other harmful acts is expressly prohibited. -
Off Topic/Low Effort Posts May Be Removed
Posts that do not add meaningful content to a discussion may be removed. If you’d like to chat or relax, consider using designated casual spaces like the forum Lounge or our official Discord. -
Categories May Have Additional Rules
Some sections of the forum may have their own additional guidelines. Please read and follow any pinned or category-specific rules before posting. -
Have Fun!
Enjoy your time here—engage thoughtfully, contribute positively, and help us build a thriving Linux community.
NOTE - Moderators and staff reserve the right to move, merge, or delete posts and threads as necessary. Accounts may be suspended, banned, or deleted for repeated rule violations or severe infractions. First-time offenders will receive a warning; further violations may result in a temporary suspension or permanent ban.
Q1: What does it mean to maintain a high-quality space for discussions?
A: It means treating the forum like a public park—a shared space where respect and thoughtful conversation prevail. Criticize ideas, not people, and always strive for constructive dialogue.
Q2: How can I contribute positively to the discussion?
A: Every contribution matters. Think before posting and ensure your comment adds something meaningful. Whether you’re offering a new perspective or building on someone else’s idea, your thoughtful input helps improve our community.
Q3: What should I do if I disagree with a post?
A: Disagreement is natural. When you disagree, focus on criticizing the ideas rather than the person. Avoid name-calling or personal attacks, and try to provide thoughtful, constructive feedback.
Q4: What is expected regarding the relevance of topics?
A: Please keep posts focused and ensure that threads remain on topic. Off-topic or low-effort posts may be removed to keep discussions engaging and organized.
Q5: How do I manage my posts and notifications on the forum?
A: You can explore the Getting Started post or check our Site Help category for tips on how to best use these features.
Q6: What are the rules regarding spam and self-promotion?
A: Spam, repetitive self-promotion, and any form of advertising intended to generate revenue without staff permission are not allowed. Be transparent about any affiliate links or endorsements, and ensure they meet our trust guidelines.
Q7: What should I do if I encounter problematic behavior?
A: If you see bad behavior—be it harassment, offensive content, or spam—use the flag tool to alert the staff. Avoid engaging directly with problematic posts to prevent encouraging further issues. You can flag any post by clicking the flag icon. If you need immediate help or have concerns that aren’t resolved by flagging, use the staff contact options provided.
Q8: How do I handle content that isn’t my own?
A: Only post content that you’ve created or have explicit permission to share. Do not post descriptions, links, or methods for accessing someone else’s intellectual property without proper authorization.
Q9: What are the Terms of Service, and why are they important?
A: The Terms of Service (TOS) outline the rights and responsibilities related to content, privacy, and legal considerations when using this website. By using, you agree to abide by these terms, which protect both you and our community. Please review the Terms of Service for complete details. Also see our Privacy Policy.
Q10: How do I search for topics on the forum?
A: Use the search bar at the top-right of the page to look for topics, posts, or users. You can refine your search with keywords or filters to quickly find the content you need.
Q: How are points awarded for the community leaderboard?
A: For a detailed explanation of how points are awarded, please follow this link.
“COMMUNITY” - Our forum thrives thanks to the active participation of every member. Your engagement helps shape discussions, and by using tools like likes, bookmarks, and flags, you contribute to maintaining a healthy, vibrant Linux community.