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generalDiscuss general technology, trends and share information. Feel free to introduce yourself to everyone, ask career questions and share work stories.
linux and tech helpGet Linux help and general tech support. Topics include Linux servers, desktop, networking, software, hardware, cybersecurity and so on.
blog articlesDiscuss blog posts from and other interesting technology-related articles from around the web.
showcaseShare new products, applications, service launches, betas and press releases for the community to try out, make-use-of and give feedback.
site helpWelcome to our Linux Community! Join us for free and read our Getting Started Guide to get oriented. Or, jump into the conversation with our Trending Topics. Let’s build and learn together!
announcementsCommunity announcements are posted here. This includes new features, maintenance alerts and all other Linux Community related news.
kernel loungeTopics are visible only to Kernel members, Trust lvl 3 members, and forum staff for private discussions, exclusive offers and beta testing.