Will t-pot work in this situation?

Can you tell me please, if t-pot will work as it should, if the vps, doesn’t support virtualization via the SVM flag, where my installed Linux is.
On Windows on the same vps, t-pot didn’t work, because it needed Docker Desktop, and because the vps didn’t support virtualization via the SVM flag, Docker Desktop, couldn’t be installed.
Does Ubuntu, need any app, like Windows need Docker Desktop, so in this situation because the vps doesn’t support virtualization via the SVM flag, t-pot will also not work on Ubuntu?


If your VPS doesn’t support virtualization via the SVM flag, T-Pot will likely have the same issue on Ubuntu as it did on Windows.

While Ubuntu doesn’t require Docker Desktop like Windows, it still needs Docker for containerization. Docker relies on certain virtualization features provided by the host system.

Without SVM support, Docker may not work properly, which means T-Pot won’t function as expected.

You may want to check if your VPS provider offers instances with better virtualization support, as T-Pot is designed to run on Docker.

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Thank you for your replay @devdev
Unfortunately the vps stuff, answer is:

In our experience, nested virtualization via the SVM flag can lead to technical problems at processor level. As the servers we rent out are fully virtualised, such problems affect all customers on the same node equally. For this reason, as well as for security reasons, we can no longer offer you the activation of the SVM flag for any of our products.

Because I have purchased a vps subscription just only for using t-pot…
I would really appreciate, if someone could tell me, asap, if T-pot will work on Ubuntu, hosted by a vps which doesn’t support virtualization via the SVM flag. So, I could ask for a cancellation of the subscription, in order to benefit for a refund.
And maybe the final question, would be, any honeypot works on any vps, only if the vps support virtualization via the SVM flag. Would it be any alternatives for t-pot in order to work on vps which doesn’t support virtualization via the SVM flag? Thank you.


T-Pot relies on Docker, which requires the SVM flag for virtualization. Without it, T-Pot won’t work on this VPS, and most other honeypots also depend on similar technologies.

If the SVM flag can’t be enabled and no alternatives that I am aware of, I would recommend canceling the subscription and requesting a refund, as the VPS can’t be used for its intended purpose.

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