Welcome! Please introduce yourself

Hi I am Rob.

I am born on the Catholic holiday of St. Patrick in 1982.

I have a particular fondness of the Amiga series of computers.

I have proven skills of an exceptional level when it comes to English Language comprehension. At age 8 I was formally tested for my English language comprehension abilities, and was informed some years by a psychiatrist that I had attained a close to if not perfect score in that test.

I have never completed the final year of secondary studies, not so much due to inability to do so as much as there was simply little if anything more for me to learn in this area.

My vocation is that of a musician, but multimedia production in general has found me to be a natural when it comes to acquiring and subsequently applying skills in this field. In my youth I bested the devil in a contest of artistic prowess, of course that statement is very much a metaphor, but I can claim with some confidence that I am the best at the kind of music I make. I have never sought out to conform to a genre but it seems that the genre of Breakcore has formed itself around me. I am also part of the arts subculture of the Demoscene

When it comes to computing, my strengths are in software applications and my weakness are in physical hardware and despite having been using the internet since before it was made available to the general public, network infrastructure is an area of expertise that has so far eluded my full-comprehension.

Oh, and I am really good at breaking computing systems, both by accident and by design.

Indeed I might offer my services as a beta tester, and I do have some previously satisfied clients in this area who will be more than willing to provide what might no doubt be a glowing reference to anyone else who might be in need of someone who can provide quality quality assurance as I am offering.

How I came to be a Linux user is a long and in places humorous story, but this already resembles something of a wall of text of a scale designed to deter an advancing Mongolian hoard, so I will conclude by simply saying that I use Linux as I need a functional operating system on my computing systems and when it comes to modern PC hardware Linux based operating Systems are simply the only fully-functional option.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little about me, now I will peruse your posts here and do the same for you.


Welcome @AnakiRob!
What kind of music do you make?

I used to like to think that I had a unique style, but have recently come to discover that I in fact make music that conforms to the characteristics of “breakcore”

I had to ask Google Bard to define this genre and I did tick all but one of half a dozen bullet points, and even that is only unchecked on a technicality

Indeed it would seem that this genre of music emerged simultaneously with when I first began sharing my teenage sonic experiments with the world

When I first heard Aphex Twin’s song Come To Daddy I felt much vindication as this was in the style of what I had been experimenting with

anyway rather than trying to explain I should just demonstrate

systemofsound dot bandcamp dot com

(I assume actual links are not cool here) is where you might find some of my music, although I have little bits all over the place over the years. Also I do very much apply a punk rock ethic to composition and performance and chip music techniques too.


Hello, I am new here and starting my first semester in school for cybersecurity. One of the courses I am taking is Linux Config and Installation.

I have about 5 years of hardware support experience but nothing regarding Linux. This seems like a place with a bevy of knowledge on all things related.

I enjoy reading Windows OS vs Linux memes on the internet, can’t wait to finally understand what I’m laughing at. lol


Hi all ! I’m a bit ashamed… because I’ve been on and in the web since 1997, and I still say that I’m quiet a noob on Nux systems… I started with a french distro called Mandrake, by someone who later on developped an OS for smartphones (Fairphone). I’va always loved the open source philosophy, but as I was mainly working on Windows or iOS, I’ve never though that I needed to invest much time into it. Yet, I ran across some hardcore geeks in my career, and still have ^^
One genius was doing everything on his Arch Linux distro with a bepo keyword with no touch printed (ie. they were all black) and was only using VIM for, well, litteraly, everything !!! I guess you need people like this in your life to show you what comittment IS… I lauched a few businesses, like Da Code in 2004 and later OMNIRESO in 2010, dedicated to SEO. I now work in a marketing agency, and as you might have guessed, I’m one of the oldest guy. It’s incredible to see that today, the young generation does not investigate or is not curious about the history of computers, OS and so on… In a way I guess it’s OK because they don’t rely on passion like some of us here did : looking for a driver online, step by step installing softwares without cargo or npm dependencies, and so on… Thnaks or reading this, happy new year to all and don’t hesistate to reahc me for old memorabilia (I’ve been through demo scene with my Atari 1040 STE, homebrew katana with the Sega Dreamcast game console, the 14K javaScript challenges, CSSZenGarden and so on… Additionaly, I’ve been playing drums for a long time and still play with my Mate in an exp-rock-stoner-funk-you-name-it combo called MECHUTA at mechuta.com Cheeeeeeeeeeers !

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Hey everyone,
a little about myself: network engineer with a couple years of experience, dipped my toes in the linux lake before but had to dive in this year because of our company new data center which will be using SUSE.

Here to learn and help others learn as well.
Don’t be shy to contact me if you needed any help with anything regarding routing and switching.


Welcome. I’m relatively new here as well; maybe a couple weeks or so back. I think what I find valuable is it seems like a responsive community.


Yeah been checking the site and everyone seems great!

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Welcome to the forums. Also, was going down the path of routing and switching but then switched jobs from Cingular Wireless to Cable & Wireless and ended up falling in love with managing OpenSUSE servers in their NOC.

I do miss routing and switching, but some of it remains. Are you Cisco certified as well? Or is that not a thing nearly 2 decades later?

In any case welcome aboard! :handshake:

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Thank you for having me.

I recently got my ccnp from cisco, not sure how I feel about it, it feels like certificates don’t matter like they used to, you really have to cram your resume with about 5-6 certs at least to get some attention from companies ( of course this is only applies in my country, I don’t know about other places).

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Agreed! I’m also in the boat that work experience, being deeply passionate/enjoy what you do to the point of always seeking and learning outside of exam preps and school; makes for the best employees.

One can have a million certs, but if the above isn’t true, they could remain average and ineffective at what they do.

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Yes Sir!
This is what it’s all about enjoying your work.
Honestly most of the guys in our field are great and don’t care about the resume as much as your own knowledge but you know that HR filter won’t let you see them.


Hello. Greetings to all members of the Linux community. I’m an old retiree, learning Linux and AI, I’ve found you looking for information on how to install Deep Seek in Debian, my OS is Sparky.


Welcome @Tableton. How do you like Sparky? How long have you been using it? When looking for a gaming-oriented distro, I was interested in their “gaming edition” but was unsuccessful with the install. I found CachyOS and that install went very smoothly. On a side note: It uses KDE Plasma desktop – and I’m liking what I see there.

BTW: Another retiree here. :grin:


Welcome to the Linux community! As for Sparky, anything Debian-based sounds like my cup of :coffee:.

Hi IronRod. Thank you for the welcome.
One of my weaknesses is to try distros and for that I usually have a multiboot created with rEFInd to boot different systems among which are different distributions
of both Windows and Linux.
I had a good experience installing the GamerOver edition of Sparky with the
xfce desktop, and I stayed using it as my preferred system for about 2 years now. Although I really like and use Garuda with the Hyprland desktop that works based on Wayland which as you know will be the substitute for X11 as time goes by.
At some point I will test your CachyOS recommendation with the veteran KDE Plasma.

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Hello hydn. Thank you for the welcome.
Of course. You’re absolutely right when it comes to Debian.

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Hi, I am Matheus!

I am a electronics technician working on deploying applications for edge devices that run Linux/GNU OS.

Looking to learn from you and add where I can. Best, Matheus.

I also am a professional 3D CAD designer and love 3d printing.


Welcome @Tableton & @dumaat :cowboy_hat_face:

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I made an ultra short howto how you can install deepseek R1 distills on your own hardware. I do these kind of things in an incus based qemu vm just for isolating these ai models from the rest of the system.

If you have some tips or additions, feel free to write a comment.

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