Hi I am Rob.
I am born on the Catholic holiday of St. Patrick in 1982.
I have a particular fondness of the Amiga series of computers.
I have proven skills of an exceptional level when it comes to English Language comprehension. At age 8 I was formally tested for my English language comprehension abilities, and was informed some years by a psychiatrist that I had attained a close to if not perfect score in that test.
I have never completed the final year of secondary studies, not so much due to inability to do so as much as there was simply little if anything more for me to learn in this area.
My vocation is that of a musician, but multimedia production in general has found me to be a natural when it comes to acquiring and subsequently applying skills in this field. In my youth I bested the devil in a contest of artistic prowess, of course that statement is very much a metaphor, but I can claim with some confidence that I am the best at the kind of music I make. I have never sought out to conform to a genre but it seems that the genre of Breakcore has formed itself around me. I am also part of the arts subculture of the Demoscene
When it comes to computing, my strengths are in software applications and my weakness are in physical hardware and despite having been using the internet since before it was made available to the general public, network infrastructure is an area of expertise that has so far eluded my full-comprehension.
Oh, and I am really good at breaking computing systems, both by accident and by design.
Indeed I might offer my services as a beta tester, and I do have some previously satisfied clients in this area who will be more than willing to provide what might no doubt be a glowing reference to anyone else who might be in need of someone who can provide quality quality assurance as I am offering.
How I came to be a Linux user is a long and in places humorous story, but this already resembles something of a wall of text of a scale designed to deter an advancing Mongolian hoard, so I will conclude by simply saying that I use Linux as I need a functional operating system on my computing systems and when it comes to modern PC hardware Linux based operating Systems are simply the only fully-functional option.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little about me, now I will peruse your posts here and do the same for you.