We founded a student club

Hey Linux community, my peers and students at my uni have founded a new student club on campus Lug Nuts. It stands for Linux User Group Networking Under The Shell. We’re thinking about migrating our domain over to something more formal like a .org domain. Any advice for us? We built the first iteration of our webpage. Check out the retro design aesthetics: UTA Lug Nuts


Welcome. I applaud your efforts to form a real user group. I’ve been around in the tech world long enough to have been involved in user groups where people actually met, shared tech experiences, and made presentations. That seems to have mostly gone away in this near-total remote-contact world.

I’ve found this a responsive community. I hope you find it useful.


Welcome to the community! That’s a great idea! Dot .org would be my first choice, then .net (network) especialy since you are Linux User Group Networking Under The Shell. Beyond that, I can say if the school isn’t covering the cost of your domain, send me a DM.

1 Like

Hello and welcome!
Like your Website, realy cool club


Hello Hello!
Nice website I like it and I bookmarked on my toolbar
Just a quick point: please change favicon and the title “React App” :slight_smile: