Nginx best practices

Hello everyone,

As you may already know, Nginx is considered to be one of the best web servers available. Like many other web developers and system administrators, I also frequently use Nginx.

Since it is a gateway for web applications, security and speed are crucial factors for web servers. Therefore, I am curious about your best practices in using Nginx and the essential settings that you recommend. I would greatly appreciate it if you could share your opinions on this matter.

I have been using NGINX for years and consider it the best web server available. I use NGINX for hosting WordPress websites along with FastCGI cache. One aspect I appreciate about NGINX is its high level of customization. For instance, it allows configuration for micro-caching, a feature not readily available on other web servers or not as easily configurable.


That is right, the Nginx micro-caching makes web applications almost 600x faster with just a couple of configuration lines.

Looks like this example (Source):


Indeed, I also prefer Nginx to Apache and others. One gem that’s sometimes goes unused is Nginx Amplify:

Not only is it free to use and offers really flexible monitoring. But it also will check your Nginx config and return recommendations. It can also provide basic but useful monitoring of PHP-FPM and MySQL.

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