Missing FFmpeg! How do I find it?!

I am trying to understand how this works. I have been looking for a FFmpeg that has been missing from my Ubuntu 22.10 computer for 2 days now. I have explored all possible options but it is still elusive. Checked all package repositories with no luck. Is it something I should worry about?

I have searched for the exact package name, “FFmpeg”.
I have completely explored variations and aliases: ‘libavcodec-extra’, 'libav tools ’
I have scrutinized repositories like
Official Ubuntu repositories and the Medibuntu (for MultiMedia apps).

At this point, I am clueless. I need help on how to find the package. Is there any Repository I could possibly explore? I am willing to try anything to get this sorted out.

try this, sorry was not having access to the computer but now have so here is the reply.

$sudo apt-cache search ffmpeg or use the wild card

$sudo apt-cache search ffmpeg*

alles gut,