I've been offline. I'm back

Hi @everyone,

For the past 11 days or so I’ve been offline much of the time. We have an emergency involving ICU visit of a family member. So my wife and I had to travel. He’s a lot better now and out of the hospital.

As such, I’ll be returning to regular activity. Thanks for sticking around and keeping things going. Looking forward to a better end of the month! :handshake:


Sorry to hear that. Hope all works out well. I’ve been quiet lately since I haven’t been doing much with my lab… been doing other things like personal travel (for fun).

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Sorry to hear but glad things are looking better. Hope all is well. :latin_cross::pray:

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Thanks guys! Slowly things are returning to normal. Spent all of yesterday and today catching up with 2-week backlog. That’s how it goes as you well know. :upside_down_face:

Glad the family member is out of the hospital. Welcome back :smile_cat:

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