Glad to know you have worked with Beelink
@hydn, and great recommendation on ThinkCenter Tiny
… And “lightning strike” is the type of reason for hardware failure that I am willing to accept
It seems like you might be the ideal person to do some projects since you have so much experience and focus on the same core purpose, it seems. Also comments like “cons: one less closet, unhappy wife” shows real understanding
Funny enough, I also have that same Beelink
model deployed and that is by far the most reliable one, and is Intel
based. I have never had any issue with that one, other than the fan… after running it for 4 years straight, and starting it out as a mobile lab system in the middle of the desert, hours from civilization, with extremely fine sand. Still using it! And deployed others of the same line in the field. I tend to use those as “jump off point” inside a LAN, with a VPN connection into an external secure VPC. That is the go-to system I had in mind to use as a local web server, but now I will consider ThinkCenter Tiny
also and try that too.
Thanks for the thoughtful answer, and glad to hear it will not take a massive beast to run a headless digital agent, and not expand the closet too seriously. I am fortunate my wife did not really want the ( coat ) closet I took over ( that bad )
Thanks to this post:
Which exposed me to Zed
I then finally got around to this post ( while waiting to reboot and test the answer from @IronRod, procrastinating per usual on systems tasks )
And finally wired-up ollama
into an IDE that is built for that, versus the old-world I had been holding on to like a shard of sunken ship, adrift in the ocean
And then had this realization:
Thanks to this original post pushing me to look at this at all finally ( see: procrastination )
Thanks @hydn for the drive-by on this… what a super easy and not weird world at all, same as everything else and just called something different!