Have You Tried the Cosmic Desktop Yet? (Now in Alpha)

Hey everyone,

System76 has recently released an alpha version of their Cosmic desktop, and I’m curious if anyone here has had a chance to try it out.

Cosmic is System76’s new desktop environment, designed from scratch with performance and customization in mind. The alpha version already includes some exciting features like a tiling window manager, customizable layouts, and a unique workspace experience, all built with Rust for improved speed and safety.

The fact that it’s still in alpha means there’s room for feedback and improvements, so it’s a great time to get involved if you’re interested in shaping the future of this desktop environment.

Has anyone here installed the alpha? What are your initial thoughts? Any standout features or areas where you think it needs work? For those who haven’t tried it yet, does it sound like something you’d be interested in testing?

Looking forward to hearing your experiences and thoughts on Cosmic!


I’ve been playing around with the Cosmic Desktop Alpha, and it’s pretty cool. It feels snappy and has some great customization options right out of the box. It’s still early days, so there’s some rough edges here and there.

I love how they’ve integrated tiling with floating windows; it’s a nice balance. The settings are super easy to tweak. It’s fairly light on resources, it’s like having i3wm but with gnome DE. Overall, I’m excited to see where it goes, if it will be popular enough for them to support long term!

There’s a great review of Cosmic Desktop here:

I tried the cosmic desktop on the Fedora but it is not so well working since being in alpha release and so i only use fedora ultramarine kde. I removed cosmic and stick with the one that is working as long term release.
