Bottom (btm) - A Comprehensive System Resource Monitor

Read the full article: bottom (btm) – A Comprehensive System Resource Monitor

Today, I learned about bottom – yet another command line process/system monitoring tool. I’m probably late to this one, however, I want to quickly share this tool with readers. Have you ever found yourself needing a detailed and real-time overview of system resource usage on your server or computer? Specifically for Linux, there are various… continue reading.

Nifty tool where do I get it? It’s not in Debian’s Repos :sob: :sob:

Oops! I thought I included a link: bottom: cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.

Will update the article. Thanks!!

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Updating this article. it came full circle. Originally posted Oct 2023.

So since I moved from i3 to Gnome via full reinstall, I didn’t save dot files or notes about bottom. For the life of me, I just could not remember the name of this tool. Then noticed it here, not even remembering that I shared it. But glad I found this tool again, it’s pretty good! :recycle:

It’s also very useful for monitoring temps, including GPU temps:

With all these local LLMs like DeepSeek and others, it comes in handy!

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