Are there workarounds to increase RAM on computer systems with Limited Upgrades?

I have a Dell XPS 13 (2016). The computer has been doing all fine until recently that my workload and usage needs for the computer just dramatically increased. I am looking at increasing the RAM size so it can meet up with running the heavy softwares I am working with right now.

It seems that this is not possible as it seems the RAM is soldered and a technician told me that trying to upgrade the RAM would warrant changing the whole system. And I don’t fancy that option.

That’s why I brought this here to know if it is possible to work around and squeeze out more performance from these computers with limited upgrade options. Anything at all. USB drives? Thunderbolt Ducks? Anything that can boost performance through additional RAM.

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It is possible to have external storage for your application. That means applications are installed on external storage. Also, you need SSD option because this will close background of the applications. They still opened by fault and use the RAM which slow down. SSD drive close unused programs and prevent background consummation.

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Also see:

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