Arch Linux - problems and resolutions

So here I am again.
With this post I want to create some Arch troubleshooting guideline, I start the conversation with the problem I found and I was able to fix.

In one of last topics I said I found some updates in Arch that broke a sofware compatibility.
Two days ago I tried switch my workflow to an Arch Linux virtual machine and I found the same problem on the software, after activating the 3d graphic card acceleration.
So I was wondering if it’s a bug or what, since after almost 10 months ago it’s not fixed yet.

The problem I had was using Kreya (as api client) and IPTVnator (as multimedia broadcaster), both this software are using libwebgtk and on both of the softwares I had a blank window without any controls.
I did not saw this problem with Debian or Linux Lite because they are using an old library version.

I went deeply and looking at system logs there was some dumps in gtk libraries and javascript core frameworks. I understood that last updates (since gtk version 4.3) they add a feature for improve hardware acceleration. It seems this improvment have some issues with Nvidia cards, I own an RTX 3070ti, I fixed my problem by disabling this feature.

As I googled I found this topic [[bug] Tauri 2.0.0-rc shows blank window after upgrading to webkit2gtk-4.1 2.44.3-2 · Issue #10626 · tauri-apps/tauri · GitHub] and all I did was create a system wide variable: WEBKIT_DISABLE_DMABUF_RENDERER and set its value to 1. After creating this variable bothe the softwares starts working again.

I lost my last 2 days tring fixing this problem, it might be usefoul to some others users.



One thing I found helpful when using Arch was to run it with an LTS kernel:

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I found another stability issue:

I’m using the password manager gui keepassxc, when launching the program normally theres some huge icons, as you can see in this image:

I found the solution on this github repo, they saying there’s some scale issues on last gtk version:

So i created my sh launcher as the following:

now the software is working with correct icon size:

It might be usefoul if someone encountred the same problem using keepassxc or some gtk application under Linux.


on Arch Linux I’m using the default Kernel mainline, until now I never found some problems (I’m on Arch for less then 1 month now :slight_smile: )

I will keep in mind about using LTS Kernel if I will encounter some issue.

Thanks for sharing it.