I saw the June 2024 post and thought, after not posting in the last year (still reading occasionally), I hope it’s okay to make this new “summer edition” post.
For myself, the last year allot changed within my home lab, and now I’m working on a final important part after migrating from my older, big boy 19" servers to my 5 NUC’s Proxmox cluster, and that is backups.
I backup to a NAS, but I also like to have external versions that are not connected to the home lab in any way.
I already used Acronis on my main PC and decided to increase the space and let my PC handle these backups, so I don’t have to get another (server) license.
The backups were already on a share, so Acronis can access them easily and send them to the cloud.
These backups are just the VM and LXC backups, btw.
I do not backup the Proxmox hosts themselves, as I rarely change settings on them, and what I do need to configure is documented in my Netbox and almost all host-specific.
So reinstalling is faster than recovering a backup from my NAS in my situation.
I also tested this by trying to recover a full node from nothing by reinstalling PVE and pulling the backups from Acronis. And it worked better than expected; the only downside was that getting the two bigger backups (one 80 GB+) will take some time; all other backups are less than 5GB and recover pretty quickly.
I have to monitor this for a bit, so I’m sure it’s usable in a disaster situation, but for now, it looks great.
For the rest, I like to try new software within my lab and will probably also spend some time on that.