Hello guys!
Sorry for my absense lately,been busy with renovations @home😊
I have recently starting “the odin project” and have always been facinated by programming and to be able to build stuff,so i want to get into the field somehow,i just feel kinda lost with what to choose…
I have ok knowledge in python(intermediate?)
,html, a little javascript and java( not much) so i wanted to know if someone has done the switch from say “non-programmer” to “programmer or front/back- end dev” that wanted to share some knowledge?
My dream is:
Work from home or remote,build apps,games or something that requires some brainpower and that might help people to be more productive or just overall “make something exciting”
Some years ago i didnt even understand what i saw on screen,but now it’s like a lamp turned on!
What path should i take or simply put: what language might open up doors for me?
And when are you good enough to actually “dare” to apply for a job?
I have been into some ethical hacking,and wanted to create my own stuff,however now i’m more off the cybersecurity and just want to build “regular” useful stuff that can make a difference i guess😁