a complete writeup for the PBS pro altair configurations.
# Universitat Potsdam
# Date: 2024-3-21
# updated: 2024-3-20
# Author: Gaurav Sablok
PS3 = "Altair PBS Pro Manual at hand (#)? "; \
select i in qsub qdel qhold qrls qmove qstat qselect qalter; do
if [[ $i == qsub ]]; then
echo "this is a qsub option and this is used for the
submission of the job queue and the job queue should
follow the following format for the submission to the
#PBS -o path_out_file
#PBS -e path_error_file
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -l mem=100GB
#PBS -l ncpus=64
#PBS -j jobname
submission should be made as
qsub script_name.sh
qsub -M [email protected]"
break; fi;
if [[ $i == qdel ]]; then
echo " this is used for the continous monitoring of the
job queues on the system and is used for the deletion of
the jobs from the system and this can be used only by the
administrator of the system";
break; fi;
if [[ $i == qhold ]]; then
echo "The qhold is used to hold the jobs on the
system when the requested resources are not available
qhold [ -h hold_list ] job_identifier
n:none, u:user,o:operator,s:system";
break; fi;
if [[ $i == qrls ]]; then
echo "The qrls is used to release the jobs holded
due to the system resource unavailability
qrls [ -h hold_list ] job_identifier
qstat -a jobid # get the job
qhold jobid # hold the job
qrls -h u jobid # release the job";
break; fi;
if [[ $i == qmove ]]; then
echo "this allows for the moving of the jobs to
the new allocated server and to allow for the new
server to be used.
qmove destination job_identifier(s)";
break; fi;
if [[ $i == qstat ]]; then
echo "qstat is the most user friendly command
to be used on the PBS and it is used to check
your server status and also check your job status
Available options are qstat -a or qstat -Bf or
qstat -Q or qstat -Qf qstat -f jobname or qstat -u username
qstat -G (GB mem list), qstat -M (megaword listing),
qstat -n (display all the nodes), qstat -s (display job comments)
qstat -q (display limits) ";
break; fi;
if [[ $i == qselect ]]; then
echo "The qselect is used to alter the allocated resources and
also to allow for the change. List all the nodes used by the
user which require such number of nodes
qselect -u user -l ncpus.gt.cpu # where cpu is the cpu number
qstat -a ' qselect -u user -l ncpus.gt.cpu";
break; fi;
if [[ $i == qalter ]]; then
echo "qalter is used to alter the allocated resources and
it should be used to change the resources on the jobs
already allocated.
qalter -l walltime=110:00 -N bladename username";
break; fi;