a fresh feed of the code wrote to make your github cli easier in addition to the previous one. it just takes the username and the number of the repositories the user have and i integrate a C code with in for the faster iteration and it will generate all the github clone client for the docker as well as the slurm clients as well as the conda clients. You can find the code here:
#! /usr/bin/bash
# Universitat Potsdam
# Author Gaurav Sablok
# date: 2024-1-23
# generating the html based style tags for the github
# generate the auto clone links for the github cli
# configured for both the linux client as well as the docker instances
# implementing a indexed array to make the directory iteration faster
# generating the indexed array and a C loop for the faster git iteration
read -r -p "please provide the github number:" number
read -r -p "please provide the username:" username
echo "storing the variable number for an indexed array"
for ((i=1; i<="${number}"; i++))
echo "https://github.com/"${username}"?page="${i}"&tab=repositories" >> gitlinks.txt
echo "making the feed client code for the linux administration"
printf "%s\n" "thank you for using the git array indexing"
echo "getting all the HTML dump for the gitlinks"
cat gitlinks.txt | while read line; \
wget -F $line > $line.json.txt;
echo "all the gitlinks for this username and the repository have been dumped"
echo "you can use the json shell based feed parser to get the git clone code"
for i in $(ls -l *.json.txt);
$(grep "itemprop" "${i}" | grep "href" | \
cut -f 2 -d "=" | sed s/itemprop//g | sed s/\"//g);
echo https://github.com/$i;