a fedora system utility for monitoring the fedora installations in cloud native applications. you can install this as sudo or provide the password for the validation in case of some of the command needs
a fedora system utility written using golang.
eases your installation, and package management with the fedora.
writing a package manager later on for cross compilation.
if anyone wants to join in debug then most welcome.
@hydn thank you and right now i am adding more to the same and deploying a complete cloud native tool apart from one for the pacbiohifi. The image library that i am using is this GitHub - fogleman/gg: Go Graphics - 2D rendering in Go with a simple API. and i am rendering the images as the bicontour plots for the cloud native, so that each memory, cluster can be viewed with a separate RGBA colour.
finished now, completed writing all the code, fixed the bugs and also putting a rpm package and package id configuration key bindings for the same a separate go routine func to call, so that it will work just as neovim with those key bindings. No need to remember the entire dnf.