Docker compose YAML

If you are writing docker compose like me writing for some of the docker applications and forget a part of the YAML then here is a quick look that i keep for checking out the indentation as YAML is all about the indentation of the nested data.

# Rules to be remember for YAML
# Yaml (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is configuration management lanaguage for ansible and other CI and CD roles and integration. 
# it is a data serialization lanaguage.
# Intendentation in Yaml is the same as Python which is very important. 
# It supports one direction processing. 
# Each code in YAML starts with ---. 
# To correct the lint in yAML, clone this repo:  ![YAML Lint] (
# YAML is case sensitive as python 
# You can save the file extension as .yaml or .yml in ansible
# TABS are not allowed but spaces are permitted
# Provide comments as #
# Members are listed as -
# Listed members in [] and seprate by , such [ this is a reporsitory, please feel free to use it]
# Making an array, use {} and : such as {age: 41, method: scalar}
# : and , as list seprator 
# ! and !! for URLs
# string are separated using ""
# commenting start with # as in many other lanuage and it can be a single line or in the multiple line commenting with #. 
# You cannot # comment with in a block but you can write a block comment (see line 109-113)
# In YAMl, simply remember that 
# Follow ![Cloubees] (
# You can also learn a quick ansible YAML at: ![Ansible] ( 

# Start loading some examples in YAML as 
    yaml.load ('2.4.4')
    2.4.4 same as python string definition 

# To load a list like text, name, city, column in YAML
    yaml.load ('''
    ['text', 'name', 'city', 'column']

# Text defining 
 # a) Block format 
   - name
   - list
   - Title

# b) Inline format
   [name, list, title]

# c) Folded text 
- {name: list, title: ansible} can also be defined as
- name: list
- title: ansible

# d) You can combine the inline format as well as the folded text in one 
name: [list, text, place]
     - list 
     - text
     - place

### Check this block mapping in yaml (, i added the line wise explanation)

--- !^invoice # URL starting with ! 
invoice: 34843
date   : 2001-01-23
bill-to: &id001
   given  : Chris
   family : Dumars
      lines: | # block with multiple lines but this will be read in multiple lines see the example below
            458 Walkman Dr.
            Suite #292
      city    : Royal Oak
      state   : MI
      postal  : 48046
ship-to: *id001
product: #### multiple block as this is important in ansible
    - sku         : BL394D
      quantity    : 4
      description : Basketball
      price       : 450.00
   - sku         : BL4438H
      quantity    : 1
      description : Super Hoop
      price       : 2392.00
tax  : 251.42
total: 4443.52
comments: > ## commenting with > is the same as | but it will be read as a string see the example below
    Late afternoon is best.
    Backup contact is Nancy
    Billsmer @ 338-4338.

# block reading with |
     lines: | # block with multiple lines but this will be read in multiple lines see the example below
            458 Walkman Dr.
            Suite #292
# will read as 
    458 Walkman Dr.
        Suite #292
# block reading with > 
    comments: > 
    Late afternoon is best.
    Backup contact is Nancy
    Billsmer @ 338-4338.
# will read as 
    comments: ate afternoon is best.Backup contact is Nancy.Billsmer @ 338-4338.

### Commenting with a block 
age: # this defines the age
   - 24
title: # this defines the title 
   - list

### Defining a scalar and sequences, map the block with - and : , see the example below with the exaplantion

- name # These are seqeunces of scalars
- title # These are seqeunces of scalars
- list # These are seqeunces of scalars

age: 24 # Mapping of scalar to scalar
hr: 87 # Mapping of scalar to scalar
avg: 56 # Mapping of scalar to scalar

names: # Mapping of scalars to seqeunces: 
  - title # these are sequences and listed with in a scalar with -
  - list # these are sequences and listed with in a scalar with -
  - origin # these are sequences and listed with in a scalar with -
  - playlist # these are sequences and listed with in a scalar with -

## Collection is a combination of the scalar and seqeunces and can have sequence to scalar mapping or the scalar to scalar mapping
## Important concept "Seqeunces start with -" & Scalar start with : 

# Sequences 
- name
- title
- list

# Scalar 
age: 24
time: 24

# Combination of sequences and scalar is called as collection
--- # start of the collection 
name: Mark Joseph # Mapping of the sequence 
hr: 87 # Mapping of scalar to scalar 
avg: 0.278 # Mapping of scalar to scalar 
... # end of the collection 

# Defining complex structures: A complex structure can be defined with a dash, colon and question mark. 

- 2022-10-23 # Defining a sequence 
? [ name, list, title ] # Defining a complex structure
: [ 2022-10-23, 2022-10-22, 2022-10-21] # Defining a complex structure'

# scalar and tags in YAML: 
# There are simple to remember scalar in YAML. | (pipe scalar) will convert the text into a single line (see line 94-100), whereas the > scalar will not wrap the line text (see line 101-107). 

# Number and Miscellanous tags in the YAML 
canonical: 12345 or 1.23015e+3
decimal: +12,345
sexagecimal: 3:25:45
octal: 014
hexadecimal: 0xC
exponential: 12.3015e+02
sexagecimal: 20:30.15
fixed: 1,230.15
negative infinity: -.inf
not a number: .NaN
null: ~
true: y
false: n
string: '12345'
become: true (in case of sudo, use become)

# complex YAML: Here look at the <<: *.defaults which is defined as the functional code means there is no need to write the same code again and the defaults from the first connection. 
defaults: &defaults 
   adapter:  postgres
   host:     localhost
   database: myapp_development
   <<: *defaults
   database: myapp_test
   <<: *defaults

# Understanding sequence, mapping and scalar with a functional code (
# the below example is an example of seqeunce, however with in the example, line 191:194 is a mapping
   - sku         : BL394D
     quantity    : 4
     description : Football
     price       : 450.00
   - sku         : BL4438H
     quantity    : 1
     description : Super Hoop
     price       : 2392.00

# Indication charatcer one example and line wise explanation 

--- # open the connection 
!!map {
   ? !!str "sequence" # ? represents a mapping key
   : !!seq [ # : represents a mapping value ([ open square bracket open a flow sequence)
      !!str "one", !!str "two"
   ], # , represents a flow collection entry (] close bracket marks the end of the flow seqeunce)
   ? !!str "mapping"
   : !!map { # { marks the start of the flow mapping
      ? !!str "sky" : !!str "blue",
      ? !!str "sea" : !!str "green",
   } # } marks the end of the flow mapping
# This represents
# only comments.
!!map1 {
   ? !!str "anchored" # "" Style showing double quoted flow scalar
   : !local &A1 "value", # & represents the node anchor property
   ? !!str "alias"
   : *A1, # * denotes alias node
!!str "text" # ! repesents a nodes tag 

In addition to above, % represents the directive, | is a literal block scalar and > is a folded block scalar

# Chomp in YAML: Chomp in YAMP is simple and is defined by strip, clip and keep. Chomp is not frequently used in DevOPS

strip: |- # Strip the text 
clip: | # Clip the text 
keep: |+ # keep the text

# Defining string with special charatcters : In case of defining string with special characters, you should enclose them with " " so that the special character can be read
str: "learn yaml 3\n"
str: learn yaml 3

# Final touches to YAML: YAML is easy to code, simply understand the syntax: 

--- # Start with the --- (3 hypen)
   student1: "anyone"  # (Make a key value pair)
   hobbies:   #( Define a key)
    - music  # (Make a list)
    - reading  
    - dancing  
  # OR Make many key value pairs or the list 

   student1: "anyone"  # (Make a key value pair)
   identity: "student"
   class: 3
   hobbies:   #( Define a key)
   - music  # (Make a list)
   - reading  
   - dancing
   - maths: 30
   - anything: ~ #(Defining a null value, either ~ or null)
To explicitly specify the type of data, use the !! symbol and the name of the data type before the value:
# parse this value as a string
date: !!str 2022-11-11

## parse this value as a float (it will be 1.0 instead of 1)
fave_number: !!float 1

YAML is more used to grant a user a special access. Like a favor for a client that is using your CPanel and doesn’t has some administrative privilieges based on his membership or hosting plans. But as a regular client you may provide him or her with a YAML file. Then he will setup and get some privilieges to not talk to customer support each time to interfere. I am talking about virtual machine or cpanel or plesk panel adopted with YAML. It happens sometimes.