DevOPS Fedora KeyBindings

Dear All,

I am developing a new Fedora devops keybinding, in golang for the complete Linux community which previously was on @hydn Hayden web and the link is here:

If anyone wants to get involved then kindly let me know and i shall be able to add to the github repository and we can develop it together. These are going to be key bindings just like you have in Neovim for the DevOPS.

Thank you all,

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This has been finalized and i finished it today coding in the morning. Here is the final release : GitHub - codecreatede/fedora-devops: cloud native golang implementation for fedora devops . It has two sub flags one is the run which can be used to run the run checks and dnf checks and the other is install one which will ask for the packages.

@hydn if you have additional ones to add then let me know. For the checks, i simply used the warp terminal rpm as i was not having any rpm image.

Thank you all and to this community,

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