I can also recommend Cmder Console Emulator for Windows users who want the same experience as Linux. You can use most Linux shell commands like ls and pwd with that emulator on Windows.
Truth be told, I cannot use Windows terminal or Powershell after discovering this emulator.
Just I want to ask you something. Does this Cmder Console Emulator replaces the sub system Ubuntu on Windows fully or doesn’t relate? Because this doesn’t work for all Windows releases and therefore you are obliged to go for dual boot option if this doesn’t work? Or it is just an emulator like Windows Powershell and doesn’t refer to the point that I have mentionned? Thanks in advance.
I’m more familiar with XFCE terminal, I tent to install it on every distributions. In past I was using it also on Gnome and Mate, it’s working very well.
I think XFCE is minimal and simple, but very functional with separate tabs.
Most loved experience is the transparent background eheh.
I have some bash profile personalization on a separate file named “.ric”, this file is included with the reference in .bashrc file.
Also I love using and switching between bash and fish terminal, I found it confortable for my workflow.
Here my default terminal session:
Thats good. I also started using Warp as i need two terminal emulators now. One for the system administration and one for the Neovim for writing the code.
I also started using Vivaldi browser today as got bored with the Firefox and as these are also personal choices.
Vivalidi is looking so sleek and good. Let me know how it looks on the other Linux setups.
Thank you and i want to use Alacritty. Can you share your configuration so that i can also use the same. I have heard a lot about this one. On the other note, Vivaldi browser has inbuilt support for both emails, so no need of additional email client. Save up so much space.
Thank you for sharing the Alacritty configuration,
Ok, I understand. I understand that it can also be used as terminal with add-on. So I guess you are correct. Do you have a screenshot of Vivaldi browser with terminal addon?
Sure here it is. You can install the ssh client and then it works as terminal also. I use Neovim a lot and so i use Warp and Wezterm and now will also use Alacritty.
I actually didnt know about that. I used Firefox all the time, sometime Brave and I havent got a chance to use the web based terminal. The reason of looking into is this that i am writing some bio webassembly containers and i need to look into that. Apart from that i havent used the web based terminal or directly from the web browser as they are not that efficient.
Edit: In addition to the last ones for Wezterm, these are the best ones, which i think can make it easier for work. I cant say about everyone, i found it easier on my eyes as easy to see the text and also the boundaries and edges of the terminal. If you keep too dark ones, then I am not able to see the edges and to extend the edges. I am not sure about everyone, so i am prompted to put my views and see how everyone says and what they can add.
@toadie thank you I have started using Tabby recently again also and it works very well on the Fedora but i had problems with Tabby on the Ubuntu. The terminal emulators which i can say work very well on the Linux even with the low memory and the disk space are Wezterm, Tabby and Warp and these are the most used by me.