Share your best Linux Desktop Themes and Icons

Here are some of the best themes that you can use if you are using Gnome. I don’t use Papirus as I don’t like Papirus.

sudo dnf install arc-theme
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Arc-Dark"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme "Arc-Dark"
sudo dnf install mint-themes-gtk4.noarch
sudo dnf install mint-y-icons.noarch
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Mint"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme "Mint"

You can use this, for better looking icons/theme for the gnome.

This one looks really good and i likes the way icons and the wayland looks.


The cosmic desktop is still in alpha release but these individual components are very stable and very captive.


I’m using XFCE and my favorite taste of icons and themes are:

  • Smoothwall for windows borders (pretty difficult to find on the net, I find it on default XFCE installation on Arch Linux). I tried with XFCE and Mate desktop, I don’t think it’s working with gnome or KDE. I can share the theme folder if interested
  • Breeze Round Corners icon theme, I really like the blue rounded icons, you can download from here: Breeze Round Corners - KDE Store

Here how my desktop looks with theme and icons.
I’m using this combination on every Linux distro I use, It’s almost the standard on my setup configuration.


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These are the selected gruvbox based wallpapers i use along with the same theme in neovim and also in VsCode. No other theme except this as it has proper combination of colours and previously one and stopped using that and now this. I can say quite good.

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