Network profile golang

a network profiler in golang coded which will create all the tcp, udp, 4tcp and 6tcp files and will automatically backup to the given drive. Adding the drive support in a flash.

➜  go-network-devops-systemd git:(main) ./networkdrive -h
Provide the tcp, udp, 4tcp, 6tcp or the port for the check for the running containers ip address

  options [flags]

  -h, --help          help for options
  -t, --tcp string    tcp as a flag (default "provide the tcp")
  -f, --tcp4 string   tcp4 as a flag (default "provide the tcp4")
  -s, --tcp6 string   tcp6 as a flag (default "provide the tcp")
  -u, --udp string    udp as a flag (default "provide the udp")


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